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**FREE MEMBERSHIP MAY – riders new to the club that join before 31st May 2024 receive free membership, click here to claim.**


Current Order Status– *OPEN*             Closing Date: 30th October 2023 midnight

Members can log in and place orders on the Pactimo Web Shop here
(the shop password has been added to the Spond post, contact kitorders@seacroftwheelers.co.uk if you can’t find it)

If you haven’t ordered before see the “Ordering” section below to walk you through it. See the “Pricing” and “Sizing info.” tab for reference.

If you are interested in ordering something for the next order please email kitorders@seacroftwheelers.co.uk with the items you want to add.

When we reach the required minimums for the next order a new order window will be opened and members will be able to log in and place orders see the “Ordering” section below.

Order number 5 (232714) Delivered 30th November 2023 (Estimated Delivery 28th November)

Order number 4 (232119)  Delivered 13th September 2023 (Estimated Delivery 25th September)

Order number 3 (230379)  Delivered  11th May 2023 (Estimated Delivery 17th May)

Order number 2 (222781)  Delivered 27th October 2022 (Estimated Delivery was 31st October)

Order number 1 (221199) Delivered 6th July 2022 . (Estimated Delivery was 19th July)



All rides start from the Skyliner Chip Shop, Colton roundabout, Whitkirk, Leeds LS158NN (MAP) unless otherwise stated.

**Seacroft Wheelers will pay the cost of entry of any first claim member, into a club run event during 2023, see here**


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