New Faces Join Wheelers Committee

The club’s annual meeting, on Monday 9 January, has seen ‘new blood’ come on board the committee, while keeping some continuity too.

Adrian Evans has taken over as Chair, giving the Wheelers a new figurehead.  Helen Fenton steps up as Treasurer, and Lisa Belford-McDowell comes on board as Membership Secretary.  Dave Hall will lead on competitive events, taking on the Evening League and Racing Secretary roles.  The final new face is Dave Roberts, who becomes Acting Ride Captain (until July).

In other changes, Astrid Pot, already the Women’s Officer, will also cover Welfare, while a Youth Development Group will be led by Martin Clough, with Dave Hall in support.  The meeting heard how club finances remain strong, and so membership subscription levels are kept unchanged for yet another year.

Adrian said afterwards: “I’m looking forward to getting more involved in keeping the club progressing, and helping to deliver an inclusive club with offerings for riders at all levels.  We have a new team, and it’s up to us to maintain current interest levels and deliver on quality across-the-board.  We have a tough act to follow, and I’d like to extend gratitude, on behalf of the club, to our former committee members, who’s hard work will not be forgotten.”

Standing down from the committee were outgoing Chair Mike Cartwright, Treasurer/Membership Secretary Richard Goddard and Ride Captain Graham Johnson.  (Richard Barker left the committee during 2022 due to other commitments, when Dave Hall was co-opted in to cover his duties. Helen had been co-opted during 2022.)  All other committee members and representatives on affiliated groups remain the same.  Click here for a full list of members and representatives.

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