G.H.S. Ride 14th April 2024

Event Details

The annual ‘GHS Rides’, where club cyclists from across Yorkshire gather to remember George Herbert Stancer OBE (centre of pic), who did much to promote cycling.

There will be a choice of three routes (65, 80 and 100 miles) with riders usually off from 9.00am onwards.

There will still be a shorter ride from the Barnbow as usual.

GHS Rides start at the lay-by opposite the Crooked Billet pub (LS24 9QN) and all include stops at Pocklington. Entry fee of £5 (covers entry to Burnby Hall Gardens and Yorkshire Cycling Federation donation)  cash at the start point, please bring change. There are no official routes for these rides, just checkpoints to be passed through:
Last sign on is 9.15 am and make sure you get a stamp in the card you are given at the start at each checkpoint and hand it back at the finish.

100 miles in 8 hours
Cawood, Pocklington, Fridaythorpe, Beverley and Cawood

80 miles in 7 hours
Cawood, Pocklington, Fridaythorpe, Pocklington, Cawood

65 in 7 hours
Cawood, Pocklington, Cawood

Checkpoints are at: (card given at sign on to get stamped at each one).
Cawood: Lay-by at east end of swing bridge
Pocklington: Burnby Hall Gardens
Fridaythorpe: Fridaythorpe Filling Station
Beverley: Vanilla Coffee House

Some members sometimes meet at the Barnbow to ride out to the Crooked Billet – keep an eye on our Spond event leading up to the ride to check for more info.

More on GH Stancer here.

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