Club Annual General Meeting 2019

Event Details

The Seacroft Wheelers Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th January 2019.

This is the opportunity for all members to come and see whats happening with the club and what is planned for the coming year and to volunteer for positions and roles.
The Committee welcome all ideas/thoughts/proposals to help and improve the club so please come along and have your say. If we currently don’t do something you would like us to do (or vice versa) then this is the place to voice it (or you can email the address below if you can’t make it in person) hopefully see a lot of you there 🙂

Start time: 19:30 – please arrive early if you plan to buy refreshments, so we can get the meeting under way on time.

Venue: The Stonehouse Barnbow
Austhorpe Road, Crossgates, Leeds, LS15 8EH

Agenda: To follow.

Any proposals from members shall be submitted by email to no later than 28th December 2018

Nominations welcome for: Executive Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer plus 8 more committee members (subject to acceptance of proposal to revise the committee composition).

Members may self-nominate. Closing date for nominations: 28th December 2018

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