Annual General Meeting 8th January 2024

Event Details

The club AGM will take place on Monday the 8th of January 2024, venue is The Barnbow, Austhorpe Rd, Cross Gates, Leeds LS15 8EH

Meet at 7.00/7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

All members are welcome to attend, voting is limited to first-claim members only. Come and have your say with what’s happening with your club 🙂

The venue has restaurant facilities, if you wish to eat beforehand you’re welcome to join me! – I’ll be there 6pm ‘ish

If anyone has a proposal or particular discussion topic they wish to raise, please send your request along with a brief explanation to myself by Monday 25th Dec latest.

Committee reports will be circulated in advance of the 25th – in case members wish to  submit a related proposal or discussion topic.

The agenda and related papers will be circulated one week before the AGM – 1st Jan 2024.

The meeting should end approx. 9.30pm

We can’t guarantee that every proposal/discussion point will make it onto the agenda, there may be need for prioritisation dependent on the available time/scope/urgency.

If you have any query with regard to AGM procedure, please contact our Chair, Adrian Evans

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